Level Right Pro


5 in stock

SKU: KR2RAV-AVLVLR-P Categories: ,


A level reticle is critical to long range Accuracy. For longer shots a canted (or unlevel) reticle will pull or push the bullets trajectory off of vertical center. It gets worse the further the distance increases. A level scope means that the reticle (crosshairs) will be perfectly aligned with the rifle bore. A level reticle is critical for long range accuracy. Balancing small levels on a scope turret and gun receivers has been a commonly accepted practice for years. Not only is this a clumsy process, it€™s wrong.  The turret on most scopes is not perfectly aligned with the reticle (crosshairs), so even if your turret is level to the gun, your scope may not be. Level-Right Pro changes all that by simplifying scope alignment in 4 easy steps. Accurate and intuitive, this time saving instrument quickly aligns the actual scope reticle to the horizontal gun plane (regardless of turret alignment), which is key to the long-range accuracy of your rifle. Level-Right Pro helps you quickly and confidently mount a scope for maximum accuracy

Additional information

Weight 1.30 lbs
Dimensions 13.70 × 6.30 × 3.80 in

Avid, Real

Country of Origin